quarta-feira, setembro 26, 2007

Estranhamente Pessoal

- I don’t know you!
- You don’t know me!?
- No!
It’s not easy being in a relationship... much less to truly know the other one and accept them as they are with all their flaws and baggage.

Jack confessed to me his fear of being rejected if I truly knew him… if he showed himself totally bare to me.

Jack realized after two years of being with me that he didn’t know me at all! Nor did I know him! And to truly love each other we needed to know the truth about each other… even if it’s not so easy to take…
So I told him the truth! Which was I had never cheated on him… and I also told him that I’ve just seen Matheu that afternoon.
He did not get mad at me because nothing had happened… of course!

I confessed to Jack that the toughest thing for me was to decide to be with someone for good. The idea that this is it. This is the man I’m going to spend my life with. To decide that I will make the effort to stay and work things out and not run off the minute there is a problem is very difficult for me.

I told him I could not be only for one man for the rest of my life. It was a lie, but I said it anyway.
Then he said something that hurt my feelings… they don’t change drastically.
Then I misunderstood what he was saying. I though he meant he didn’t love anymore and that he wanted to break up with me.
It always fascinates me how people go from loving you madly to nothing at all! Nothing! It hurts so much.

When I feel someone is going to leave me, I have the tendency to break up first before I get to hear the whole thing.

Here it is. One more, one less. Another wasted love story. I really loved this one.

When I think that it’s over, then I’ll never see him again like this.
Well, yes, I’ll bump into him while meeting her new boyfriend/girlfriend, act as if we’ve never been together.
Then we’ll slowly think of each other less and less… until we forget each other completely… almost…

Always the same for me… break up, break down… drink up, fool around… meet one guy, then another fuck around to forget the “one and only”. Then, after a few months of total emptiness, start again to look for true love, desperately look everywhere… and after two years of loneliness, meet a new love and swear it is the one… until that one is gone as well


There’s a moment in life where you can’t recover anymore of another break up.
And even this person bugs you 60% of the time… well, you still can’t live without him.

terça-feira, setembro 25, 2007

Adeus, não afastes os teus olhos dos meus

Quando dormes
E te esqueces
O que vês?
Tu quem és?
Quando eu voltar
O que vais dizer?
Vou sentar no meu lugar
(David Fonseca)

A origem do teu arrependimento está em tudo aquilo que guardas dentro de ti. Todas aquelas coisas que preferes não partilhar, não discutir, não resolver.
Juntas sempre mais um ponto, mais um sentido, mais um preconceito.
Misturas um bocadinho de orgulho e confundes ideias claras.
Esqueces-te do mais importante, daquilo que mais tarde vais sentir falta.
Dizes "adeus" sem te aperceberes e levas contigo a memória de tudo o que havia de bom... que dói muito mais do que tudo o que houve de mau.

domingo, setembro 23, 2007

Se o "Special One" o diz...

"No quality, no chance!"

(José Mourinho, The Special One - 2005)

terça-feira, setembro 18, 2007


It's raining again
Oh no, it's raining again
Too bad I'm losing a friend...

domingo, setembro 16, 2007

Os amigos de verdade...

...têm sempre uma palavra a dizer!


sábado, setembro 15, 2007

Monólogos Disfarçados

"Gosto de ti!*"
Que bem que soa. Confesso que acho bonito de o ler, de o ouvir e de o dizer.
Às vezes tem mais significado, outras menos. Às vezes quer dizer uma coisa; outras há em que o sentido é completamente distinto. Às vezes é dito espontaneamente; por vezes é verdadeiramente uma expressão vazia.
Nem sempre foi uma expressão vazia. Certo é que nem sempre teve o mesmo sentido... mas sempre teve significado. Assim o pensei. Assim o li. Assim o ouvi. Assim o escrevi. Assim o disse. Até hoje!
Mas que sentido tem isso quando as conversas não são mais do que monólogos disfarçados de diálogos?
Tudo se tornou numa rotina. Uma rotina errada. Uma rotina cansada. Uma rotina sem sentido mas, acima de tudo, sem significado.
Hoje, sem qualquer tipo de pesar ou alguma ponta de hipocrisia escrevo:
- Hoje, não gosto de ti!*

segunda-feira, setembro 10, 2007

Detesto imitações...

...no que diz respeito às pessoas, claro!

quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007

Já chega

(Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sealings)

Drop drop
Down a floor
Shoot shoot
Out your mouth
These days are scraped from ceilings
I want out
I want

domingo, setembro 02, 2007

Inicio de Época

Que animação... :S

I even put that basketball underneath my pillow
Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night
I need help, ladies and gentlemens
I need someone to stand beside me
I need, I need someone to set a pick for me
at the free-throw line of life
Someone I can pass to
Someone to hit the open man on the give-and-go
And not end up in the popcorn machine
So cheerleaders, help me out
(Basketball Jones - 1973's original)

sábado, setembro 01, 2007


"I want to thank you for the joy you've given me
I want you to know I believe in your song."