Sully: If I were a rich man,
with a million or two
Mike: I'd live in a penthouse
in a room with a view
Sully: And if I were handsome.
Mike: No way
Sully: It could happen.
Those dreams do come true
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you,
Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
Wouldn't have nothing...
Mike: Can I tell you something? for years I have envied
Sully: You're green with it.
Mike: Your grace and your charm. Everyone loves you, you know.
Sully: yes I know, I know, I know
Mike: But I must admit it, Big guy you always come through.
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you.
Both: You and me together, that's how it always should be.
One with out the other, don't mean nothing to me... nothing to me.
Mike: Yeah I wouldn't be nothing, if I didn't have you to serve.
I'm just a punky little eyeball, and a funky optic nerve.
Hey I never told you this, sometimes I get a little blue.
Sully: Looks good on you.
Mike: But wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you.
Sully: Let's dance
Mike: haha
Mike: Look ma I'm dancin'
Will you let me lead?
Look at that it's two big guys alight on their feet.
Don't you dare dip me, don't you dare dip me, don't you dare dip me
Ow, I should of stretched.
Sully: Yes I wouldn't be nothing, if I didn't have you.
Mike: I know what you mean sully. Because,
Sully: I wouldn't know where to go
Mike: Me too. Because I,
Sully: Wouldn't know what to do.
Mike: Why do you keep singing my part?
Both: I don't have to say it
Sully: Aww...Say it anyway
Mike: Cause we
Both: Both know it's true
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have... you
Mike: one more time... IT WORKED!!
Sully: I don't have to say it.
Mike: Where'd everybody come from?
Sully: Cause we both know it's true.
Mike: Let's take it home big guy.
Both: I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have,
Mike: You, you, you
a e i o that means you yeah
Miúdo, é assim... aquilo que eu tinha a ecsrever está escrito... aquilo que tu tinhas a ler está lido...
De qualquer forma, achei por bem deixar aqui esta música que tão bem conheces... faz de conta que eu sou o Mike... Canta como de fosses o Sully... Dança como se não houvesse amanhã... sorri até que se veja aquele dentinho mais escondido... Estica-te (pode ser que cresças os 2 cm que te faltam... afinal de contas este é o ano do número 2... 22)...
Parabéns, miúdo!
E como o pequeno texto tinha sido escrito previamente, para evitar qualquer eventualidade (pois, pois!!!), deixem-me acrescentar aquele jantar engraçado com aquela miúda que nem me via... aquele jogo da NBA que ficou a meio (vou agora ver o resultado)... aquela música cabo-verdiana sentida, do fundo do coração... e por último (embora não seguindo uma ordem cronológica), aquele rapazinho que pela primeira vez me conseguiu fazer chorar de alegria... alegria, tristeza... nostalgia... medo... receio... esperança... acreditar naquilo a que dou mais valor nesta vida, a amizade... sei lá... valeu a pena... repito então... parabéns, miúdo... tás aqui!